
What lights me up about these sessions is that YOU are no less magic than any other "healer" and the power of our combined focus and intention massively magnifies the healing potential. The more consciously engaged you are in your own transformation process, the greater the possible shifts. No-one knows your system like you do - and being part of a healing field amplifies your ability to connect with your own intuitive knowing. 

In these sessions, I open a clear channel to the Divine, run healing energy (read more about my influences below) and draw on a wide repertoire of techniques - including deep listening, somatic regulation, parts work, neural retraining and other transformational tools - to support you in your own ability to self-heal.  I encourage you to find a very comfortable set-up to be able to sit in a relaxed and supported way so that you can stay consciously engaged throughout.

"It was helpful to have encouragement and support to move and feel my body to delve into both the fear of the situation and ultimately a feeling of reassurance. I appreciated exploring together rather than an expert-learner dynamic."  MM, Occupational Therapist 

“I went to a really deep place. Your voice is indescribably beautiful. It does something. The combination of that with the MAP stuff and then your guidance with the Parts work - and just your presence. I’m really grateful.” SB, Ecstatic Dance DJ

£90 - please contact me if finances are an issue

These sessions allow you to receive healing in the comfort of your own home - whilst I sit in front of my altar in deep communion with the Divine Mother.

We speak briefly at the outset so you can share what issues you'd like healing around, then we go offline and you relax deeply in your own space. After the end of the session I email follow-up notes and suggestions.

My approach is largely a question of surrender to the Divine Mother! I have been praying for years to be used as a channel for her Love. My journey has included taking Reiki I & II in 1997 and qualifying as a Reiki Master in 2002. I now integrate tools and techniques from trainings in Vortex healing (since 2013), Jeffrey Allen (since 2021) and with Psychic Horizons (since 2022).

"Yesterday I would have said the vortex therapy did not affect me but today I find my opinion and actions have shifted with regard to something I was very stuck on. I am surprised.AC, Writer

“I love your way of working and your deep respectful gentleness. Your feedback email was very interesting & helpful.”  LH

£60 - please contact me if finances are an issue

While you sit or stand, I check each of your chakras one by one and restore them to balance (as much as the system will support). Also working with the “health” of the aura overall, repairing as needed and strengthening your grounding cord.

I then do a short reading on your system. This can also be done for a specific situation, if requested.

I feel like my blood has been taken out, purified and put back. It’s like my organs have had an MOT and I’ve got some new body parts!TB, retired

“You have a great gift for this realm. I envy the depth and purity of your focus, I certainly admire it greatly.” JL, Software Engineer 

£30 - please contact me if finances are an issue